O’odham Voice Against the Wall: Donate to Holiday Efforts

December 1, 2021


By Ophelia Rivas
December 1, 2021

Donate to holiday efforts


Over 17 years of grassroots efforts by O’odham VOICE Against the Wall, supporters, and long-time allies to bring Holiday Cheer to communities in isolated areas of the traditional O’odham homelands. Deep appreciation to all that donate and support our efforts. 


Holiday Toy and children’s clothing drive

Donate new non-gender and non-violent unwrapped toys. Donate elementary and secondary age boys and girls new and gently used clothing. Donating funds to purchase toys is also accepted. 

Pick up schedule: December 14 & 15, 2021

Contact Ophelia Rivas at 502-308-9904 to schedule pickup.

Toys and clothing will benefit O’odham children in southern O’odham lands.