Three Yaqui Assassinated and Disappeared

June 18, 2021


By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
June 18, 2021


The assassination of Yaqui Water Rights Defender Luis Urbano, and disappearance of Yaqui Water Rights Defender Tomas Rojo, was preceded on May 1 by the assassination of a third Yaqui who was part of the highway blockade for water rights in Sonora.

Agustin Valdez was head of security during the water rights highway blockade.

In a related article, it is pointed out that the State of Sonora, Mexico, south of Arizona, has one of the world’s largest beds of high grade lithium.

Lithium is now in demand for batteries for electric cars.

Canadian mining companies are rushing in to seize the land and Indigenous water and land defenders continue protecting the natural world.

Earlier, the Traditional Authority of Vicam Pueblo also hosted the international gatherings of Zapatistas.




Above excerpts. Read article at: SWI

More: Washington Post: War on Natural Resources in Sonora: Lithium conflict: Washington Post


Defenders of Yaqui Water Rights: Agustin Valdez, assassinated, Luis Urbano, assassinated, and Tomas Rojo, disappeared.